What’s wrong with my form?

Get just uploaded an innovative version of a well used website and there are two or three bugs,
the most vexing of which is always that the form on contactus page isn’t working.

what apprears when seeking to use the form is this:

The requested method POST isn’t allowed for the URL /contactus. html.
Apache/1. THREE OR MORE. 42 Ben-SSL/1. 60 Server at humanecology. com. au Vent 80"

Ever care to verify the makup by simply viewing source for this page:
http: //www. humanecology. com. au/contactus. html

Much appreciation when you can help.

Will try to put a capture from the markup here…

I’m not sure where the screenie is from nevertheless the form at your link has not any action attribute. It’s seeking to post back to the page it’s on, which is. html, which is giving you the error.

endeavor to use other system like:
method=" get"
method=" post"

  • This method appends the form-data on the URL in name/value pairs
  • This method will be useful for variety submissions where a user prefer to bookmark the result
  • There is really a limit to the amount data you can place within a URL (varies involving browsers), therefore, you cannot guantee that all of the form-data shall be correctly transferred
  • Never use the " get" solution to pass sensitive tips! (password or some other sensitive information will be visible in the browser’s address bar)

  • This method transmits the form-data being an HTTP post transaction
  • Form submissions using the " post" method can not be bookmarked
  • The " post" method is higher and secure compared to " get", and " post" will not have size limitations

Really, michelledancer’s on to be able to something.

B< type id=" form1" method=" post" action=" " > /B
< type action=" /cgi-bin/FormMail. pl" method=" post" name=" form1" id=" form1" onsubmit=" MM_validateForm('Name', '', 'RisEmail'); MM_validateForm('e-mail', '', 'RisEmail'); come back document. MM_returnValue" >

Remove the initial form tag and you should be fine. In conversation with have a form on the inside of a form like this. That’s bad mojo.

O . k, kids. Apparently i cannot bold code.

I completely did not notice a few form. 5 observation points to you personally!

Wouldn’t have found it either in case you hadn’t tipped myself off. So most people each get consumer credit.

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