I’d like to make my forum look a lot more towards Xbox Built..
I’d like to change the actual icons for " Unread posts", " Zero unread posts", " Forum locked", etc..
Does anybody know where we can download a system imageset for my personal forum
Right now my forum offers just got that default icons with the theme that iv got.
Just simply little plain sectors, you can have a look a my index page to determine them..
http: //www. xboxlivefan. org/
If anybody can help me out, it could be greatly appreciated..
Thank you!
I don’t even think you’re allowed to utilize any logo or maybe trademark images intended for X-Box, as these are copyrighted.
I realize it’s a forum, not a business, but the same rules apply.
Should you get written agreement, then it could well be OK. That’s precisely why you
in all probability can’t find image sets for X-Box.
Used to do find this WP concept:
http: //gamesitetemplates. com/wordpress-themes/modern-gaming/xbox-wordpress-theme/prod_272. html
Possibly that Xbox Logo from the upper left corner could be a problem pertaining to them.
It could be like using that Apple Logo… Someone will probably order
them to remove it from now on.
Moved from the PHP area.
http: //www. microsoft. com/en-us/news/presskits/xbox/Default. aspx.