Why are my slice marks showing in Dreamweaver?

MY SPOUSE AND I used slices in Fireworks to add rollovers to this page. It looked great while i previewed from Fireworks, yet after I imported to Dreamweaver and also previewed – your slice lines are showing. How will i make them not really show Thanks in advance!

This is you where we should see the webpage (online someplace).
We need to visit how the style (CSS) could have affected it, or just what you’re doing.
You can find too many possible things which could cause problems.

Suggestions my code, thanks to your help!

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function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3. 0
var my spouse and i, x, a=document. MM_sr; for(i=0; a& & i< the. length& & (x=a)& & back button. oSrc; i++) back button. src=x. oSrc;

function MM_preloadImages() //v3. 0
var d=document; if(d. images) if(! n. MM_p) d. MM_p=new Array();
var my spouse and i, j=d. MM_p. size, a=MM_preloadImages. arguments; for(i=0; i< the. length; i++)
if (a. indexOf(" #" )! =0) n. MM_pj=new Image; n. MM_pj++. src=a;

function MM_findObj(n, d) //v4. 01
var p, my spouse and i, x; if(! d) d=document; if((p=n. indexOf(" " ))> 0& & parent or guardian. frames. length)
d=parent. framesn. substring(p+1). document; n=n. substring(0, p);
if(! (x=dn)& & n. all) x=d. alln; intended for (i=0;! x& & i< n. forms. length; i++) x=d. formsn;
for(i=0;! x& & n. layers& & i< n. layers. length; i++) x=MM_findObj(n, n. layers. document);
if(! back button & & n. getElementById) x=d. getElementById(n); go back x;

function MM_swapImage() //v3. 0
var my spouse and i, j=0, x, a=MM_swapImage. arguments; document. MM_sr=new Variety; for(i=0; i< (a. length-2); i+=3)
if ((x=MM_findObj(a))! =null)document. MM_srj++=x; if(! back button. oSrc) x. oSrc=x. src; back button. src=ai+2;

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