We have various affiliate agreements. Many of these kind of offer xml nourishes. i can get these taking care of my lap top version with the sites but am can not get it working once i upload to the net. obviously I was missing something. anyone able to help
You’ll end up being more specific.
Who is your webhost, and show us an online site… where it’s likely to appear.
You will be using PHP in order to display the give, taken directly heli-copter flight other sites(s),
so we’ll require a URL for a number of those feeds too.
Have you any idea much about PHP
Seeking " index. php" instead of " index. html", or have you any idea how to utilize. htaccess
I believe we need considerably more.
Hi, thanks quite definitely for your awareness.
test page is on:
http: //samuiselect. bizland. com/testxml. htm
this works fine to the desktop but not online.
that hosting site is usually:
http: //www. bizland. com
the original data comes via:
http: //www. r24. org
the rest of your mail is near to Greek for me! all self trained and lacking MY PARTNER AND I regret!
So the information you require can only be gotten in case you log into their particular website
Will there be any information Allow me to see without logging in
Case in point, a website that intend an RSS nourish.
Whether a login is necessary to see the Rss (XML file), then you definately can’t do
what you’re wanting to do. I speak about the log-in, because I don’t see
any RSS feeds on this site: www. r24. org
Howdy again,
to the R24 page you will find examples of how to define used:
Rendering via XML:
You will discover currently 3 xml feeds available:
http: //th. R24. org/xmlR24. php (hotel details with geo. loc. )
http: //th. R24. org/xmlR24db. php (available locations and provinces)
http: //th. R24. org/xmlR24review. php (hotel reviews)
launching an XML hotel room list:
case in point xml source on " http: //th. R24. org/xmlR24. phpp=PARTNER& r=bangkok& l=silom& s=name"
Sounds: this link is often a XML feed. Guidelines, see: http: //th. R24. org/xmlR24. php
With regard to details, please check the actual source code of this document.
all which is different after logging around is generating different data and next pastng that on my site.
you will observe from the source take on my samui-select site the code employed.
there is no instruction regarding an Rss feed anf you don’t have more than what the heck is given above.
There are several ways to do this using PHP.
In the event you view your XML data, you’ll see the data offers many tags.
ANY PHP script goes into business that XML file and parses those people tags.
Below is a sample script you can try.
And here is the deal nevertheless…
The script can output the images using any format you choose, and you select
which tags to show. You may prefer to use a CSS stylesheet, kitchen tables, whatever.
The options are endless, and my example is similar to the very fundamental.
You’ll need to do some do the job to expand on when using the data you fact that your page.
POST set the display count to TEN in my illustration:
Here is what the script should… a working example in the script below:
http: //www. qbotz. com/hotel. php
Your page might be called " catalog. php"
The destination where the give is displayed could be called
with the addition of this line towards your " index. php" report:
< php include(" hotel_1. php" )>
You copy and composite this script, in