I’m trying to utilize a separate php file to create a header, which will be common to any or all my pages. It is working, once i try to verify my PHPNETindex. php/PHPNET page I’m getting an error saying:
Tier 96, Column 70: document type will not allow element " html" the following < html>
The element branded above was present in a context where it is not allowed. This implies you have inappropriately nested elements — maybe a " style" element inside " body" section rather than inside " head" — or not one but two elements that overlap (which isn’t allowed).
One common cause due to this error is the application of XHTML syntax throughout HTML documents. On account of HTML’s rules connected with implicitly closed elements, this error can make cascading effects. Such as, using XHTML’s " self-closing" tags to get " meta" and " link" inside " head" section of a HTML document could potentially cause the parser to infer the final of the " head" section and the start of " body" area (where " link" and " meta" aren’t allowed; hence your reported error).
Tier 169, Column EIGHT: end tag with regard to " head" which can be not finished < /head>
Probably, you nested tags in addition to closed them inside wrong order. Such as < p> < em>… < /p> isn’t acceptable, as < em> should be closed before < p>. Suitable nesting is: < p> < em>… < /em> < /p>
Another possibility is the fact you used a component which requires a kid element that you didn’t include. Hence the parent element is " definitely not finished", not full. For instance, around HTML the < head> element must include a < title> youngster element, lists involve appropriate list products (< ul> and < ol> need < li>; < dl> calls for < dt> and < dd> ), and the like.
My files are contructed that way (simplified to allow an explanation):
< html>
< head>
< link rel=" stylesheet" type=" text/css" href=" URL address" />
< /head>
< body>
< php
require(" header. php" );
< /body>
< /html>
< html>
< head>
< fashion type=" text/css" >
css header signal.
< /style>
< /head>
< body>
Html header code..
< /body>
< /html>
Other css value included here in connection with index. php.
I tried different ways but I am not obtaining a solution. I wish to solve these validation errors but concurrently using a popular php header that will facilitate website changes.
Thanks a lot in advance on your help.
A lot appreciated!
The file that you include, should not have access to any < html>… < /html> from it.
Your structure should be more like this kind of…
Index. php record:
< xhtml>
< php include(" header. php" )>
< body>
< div id=" content" >
some other php includes in addition to php scripting
< /div>
< php include(" footer. php" )>
< /body>
< /html>
header. php record:
< head>
meta tags
CSS sources
JS sources
< /head>
footer. php record:
< div id=" footer" >
< /div>
Thanks a lot very much on your contribution.
I’m understanding your reason, but i nonetheless cannot solve the problem in full.
I’ve a standard footer. php to get used on my webpages. On it we would like to use a strong css style for any link with are positioned effect changing shade. The only option i have is to include the style in the garden the div component to my footer. php record (because i are not able to do inline website hover effect).
Once i include the central style sheet in the footer. php file that way, i have a similar validation error as before now pinpointing the < head> issue. When i taken off the < head> tags it’ll then pinpoint that < style> tags.
< head>
< fashion type=" text/css" >
a. footerlink: link, a. footerlink: visited
show: block;
placement: relative;
top: 50px;
text-decoration: none;
color: #002d68;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
font: vivid 13px " Lucida Grande", " Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-align: right;
a. footerlink: hover
color: #ffffff;
< /style>
< /head>
< body>
< div>
< a class=" footerlink" href=" link" > The link< /a>
< /div>
< /body
That way i have taken off the < html> < /html> tags but i still hold the same problem.
To solve this issue i want to find the most impressive for the inline css style for (hover modify colour) link.
I realize i can work with javascript with onmouseover along with onmouseout, but not all web users have javascript enabled.
Are you aware how this problem can be solved to accomodate all web users and browsers
Thanks a lot in advance on your help.
A lot appreciated…
Could be the header you are calling in the include going to contain all your DOCTYPE, metatags, CSS and scripts or do you find it going to possibly be just the < header> div on the page, within that wrapper
I often do it this way, b y setting up a very small CSS file only the footer — put it following on from the main css file within your < head>:
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD XHTML YOU. 0 Transitional//EN" " http: //www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtd" >
< html xmlns=" http: //www. w3. org/199